Scottish Staycation Part 2: Day One on The Isle of Skye

Feeling like our Scottish staycation couldn’t possibly get any better after an incredible first few days (detailed here!), we continued our journey from Strathpeffer in the Scottish Highlands to The Isle of Skye. The drive was completely breathtaking, and as we drove further west and our phone signal faded, the hills got higher towering over us at either side, and the roads got windier, swerving us round rivers and mountains. Because the drive was so unbelievably beautiful, it went surprisingly fast and barely felt like the few hours that it was. We arrived at the Kyles of Lochalsh, where the bridge crossing from mainland Scotland is, and parked up to go for a wander and take in the stunning scenes. I was pretty certain Skye was going to be amazing, but I wasn’t quite prepared for just how incredible it actually was.
From The Kyles of Lochalsh the beauty of Skye really becomes apparent. You can see its lush green, mountain filled landscape in the distance surrounded by crystal clear blue seas. After a stop off here I was so keen to get back on the road and get over to Skye I could hardly contain my excitement, so we jumped in the car and crossed over that iconic bridge and headed up to Portree. As soon as we crossed over to Skye it was like driving through somewhere pretend, every corner so picture perfect. On the way we stopped off a good few times, too beautiful to not jump outside and embrace it!
We eventually arrived at Portree and after a tea and cake re-fuel spent the afternoon wandering around the gorgeous little town and fishing harbour. We couldn’t have asked for a better day, the sun was splitting the sky! I completely fell in love with the colourful houses and could envision myself living a happy life in that pink one.. A girl can dream!
We then headed up to the North of Skye to check into our holiday digs at the Shulista Croft Wigwams. After another incredibly scenic drive through even more gorgeous rural landscape and a short drive up a small private road we arrived at our Wigwams and were blown away by their beautiful location. Surrounded by greenery, cliffs and mountains in the distance and the only noise pollution being the sheep in the fields round about us. Absolute bliss! We were greeted by the loveliest man, Adam, who showed us to our Wigwam and gave us some recommendations. It had already exceeded all of our expectations! We chilled out with a cuppa and soaked in the scenes and the sunshine.
The Wigwams are the perfect location for a hike up the nearby cliffs so on our first evening we done just that, packed some Pimms, put on our walking boots and headed up to the cliffs on the most North West point of the island. The Rubha Hunish walk takes a couple of hours but is absolutely worth the trek- the views from the very start are as you can imagine, just stunning, passing by the ruins Duntulm Castle on the way. When we arrived at the top the sun was just starting to go down, and as it is so far to the west they say those cliffs are one of the best places on Skye to watch the sunset. We cosied up with a few cans and enjoyed the most beautiful sunset before heading back down and back to our Wigwam for the evening.
Our first day and evening in Skye had been absolutely incredible but it wasn’t over just yet. Once we got back to the Wigwams it was time to get the campfire going and get the marshmallows toasting! Well earned after the hike, we made s’mores and laughed until the early hours then got cosied up in our sleeping bags for the evening in our wee wigwam. Absolute perfection!
We went to sleep with very happy hearts and I was so excited for what tomorrow was going to bring. We were up early to climb The Storr!
Hollie x