Fruit, Nut and Ginger Brownies

It’s been very rainy of late and although it’s only August I’ve been getting some seriously Autumnal feelings and I’m not gonna lie.. I am loving it! It has been dull enough for candles in the afternoons and it is most certainly weather for curling up with a book, a pot of tea and some freshly baked brownies. My absolute favourite type of bake for a comforting pick me up on a dreich day is always something chocolatey and brownies never fail to hit the spot. I stick to the same base recipe for all my brownie making as it is my fail safe secret to getting perfectly gooey, heavenly brownies every time! I love to adapt the flavours and this latest creation of Fruit, Nut and Ginger Brownies is perfect for rainy days throughout the seasons.
You will need:
200g unsalted butter
200g caster sugar
90g bar Green and Black’s dark chocolate
90g bar Green and Black’s ginger chocolate
4 eggs
75g plain flour or gluten free flour
25g cocoa powder
100g dried cranberries, hazelnuts & almonds, chopped
Step 1. Preheat oven to 180 degrees and line a rectangle baking tray or dish with baking paper. Place the unsalted butter and bar of ginger chocolate in a pan on a low heat and stir continuously until both are melted together. Remove from the heat and set aside.
Step 2. Carefully chop the bar of dark chocolate into pieces, about half the size of one square. Set aside with your chopped fruit and nut pieces.
Step 3. In a freestanding electric mixer or with a whisk and bowl, whisk together the eggs and caster sugar for at least 5 mins, until light and fluffy.
Step 4. Carefully pour in the melted ginger chocolate mixture whilst continuing to mix on a low speed until it is completely mixed through the egg mixture.
Step 5. Sift together the flour and cocoa powder then gently fold into the mixture with a wooden spoon. Add the chopped dark chocolate pieces and the chopped fruit and nuts, reserving a handful to sprinkle on top. Mix gently until the pieces are distributed evenly throughout the mixture.
Step 6. Pour the mixture into your prepared dish and spread the top evenly with a spatula. Sprinkle the remaining fruit and nut pieces over the top and bake in the oven for around 25 mins, until springy on top. Remove from the oven and leave to completely cool before slicing up your Fruit, Nut and Ginger Brownies and serving them with a big cup of tea!
What is your favourite rainy day bake?
Hollie x